Friday 24 April 2015

Boy lunch bag

I didn't find a pattern to use for the boy's lunch bag so I made it up as I went!

These were the fabrics I had to work with and also some babyville boutique fabrics, oh and a lot of interfacing!

I started with the top and got this far before realizing I should have thought about how the ends of my zip were going to look not attached to anything! 

So I unpicked all the top stitching and the seams and sorted out the ends of the zip and reconstructed the top half to look like this:

Top half of the lunch bag

It took quite some brain power to figure out how I should attach the top and bottom halves. But after some seam ripping and much tea drinking I worked it out! And this was the result:

Outside of the bag

Inside of the bag

There is plenty I would change about this bag if I were to make it again, but it works! It's a little big and the zip needs a larger pull or tab (or whatever the right word is for it?!) to make it easier to open. He has attached a key ring to the zipper to help open it. He likes it and it works, so I'm happy.

It was also one of my goals for Q2 of the Finish along with Adrianne at

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side


  1. Your bag is lovely. It's wonderful that you created it on your own.

  2. That came out wonderful! You should make a pattern

  3. Great lunch bag. I was thinking the same thing about the pattern
