Wednesday 29 January 2014

WiP Wednesday - playing catch up!

This week I have been working on more paper piecing, trying to catch up on the Doctor Who blocks from the Dr Who Along. I am so far behind!

The Vashta Nerada was first up, and not quite as straight forward as I had hoped! The skull was the first part to construct. When putting the pieces together I somehow managed to switch the black and charcoal around and only discovered when adding the helmet! Oh, I was not happy, so much to unpick and redo!

Vashta Nerada

Next up The Crack in the Wall! Fundamental to the story line. This one went together much easier than the last two tricky ones! 

Crack in the Wall

Only another 8 blocks to catch up on! 

Linking with Freshly piecedThe Needle and Thread NetworkLets Bee Social and Paper Pieced Party.


  1. Oh wow, that is totally creepy! What a great idea for a Dr. Who fan!

  2. Daughter is so into Dr Who! These are great blocks!

  3. Oh man, I only did one block before I sort of let myself go. Kudos for sticking with it!! Your blocks look awesome!

  4. Awesome! The Vashta Nerada remain one of my favourite aliens from Dr Who. If I weren't so intimidated by the piecing in that pattern, I might have made it too. (Actually, I haven't made any from the series, though - I've got a mostly finished embroidered Who quilt to finish before I start anything else!)

  5. Wow! That Vashta Nerada sure does look like a tough block! Sorry you had to do the unpicking, but it was totally worth it. He looks great! Good job on both!

  6. I admire your stick-to-it-ness. It's so hard to motivate oneself after a mistake. It looks great.

  7. Your blocks are looking great! Unpicking in paper piecing is the worst - but worth it when you get a fab result!

  8. Wow, that is some intricate paper piecing, great job!

  9. WOW! Lovely blocks, especially love your Vashta Nerada block. Lots of details there.
