Wednesday 6 March 2013


Last night I had an evening of peace ahead of me. The kids were in bed and hubbie had decided to go skiing for the evening! I got out my WIP - the Christmas quilt that I WILL finish this month - hoping to make some progress.

First, I got out my sample piece to check the thread was good and my free-motion quilting skills were still capable of the pattern. Well the tension was well off. I have a dark bobbin thread and a light top thread which wasn't a problem a while back as I have quilted half this quilt already. But it would seem something had drastically changed. So I set to playing with the tension. It would look to be sewing nicely then when I changed direction the bobbin thread could be seen on top! Not on every stitch, I just don't understand why.

The offending bobbin thread!

Oh, it was beginning to drive me mad not being able to sort it out! Then something happened to take my mind off the thread tension.

I was rethreading the needle and I must have put my foot on the peddle by mistake and my finger was very much in the wrong place at the wrong time!  The needle went through my finger. Aaaah! Thankfully it only went through flesh but even so.  I am not the best with blood or pain. As my hubbie would recount a story from when we were first dating where I cut my finger whilst chopping veggies and promptly passed out! 

With no one here to assist me, I sat with an ice cube, in a tissue, pressing on it for a good hour until it stopped bleeding and I could actually look to see what damage I might have done! I am such a wimp! All is well though, it would appear to be fine, no swelling, a bit of throbbing and not even a mark this morning.

And I am always drumming it into the kids when they use the machine - keep fingers well away from the needle and the foot off the peddle when not actually sewing! Lesson learnt, hopefully!

So, I didn't get an awful lot of sewing done last night! But the previous few days had been more productive :)

When setting my March goals I forgot I had the Something New Sampler quilt top that needs attention before the middle of the month. So I worked on that this week for a while. 

I finished the gift I was making and it is now in the post. Hopefully it will arrive on time and not take the 1-2 weeks the lady at the post office said it might!!

And more cutting of little squares! Mushroom on the left and star on the right! Now the fun bit of sewing them all together! So many corners to match up! In case, you've not been here before, it's all about Mario Bros!

Hope everyone is having a good week. Linking up with 


  1. Sorry about your finger! I just read in my sewing machine book that if the bobbin thread is visible on the top then the tension is too tight. Not positive on that, but it should say in your machine guide.

  2. Ouch! But there are sure a number of lovely projects getting done.

  3. I am partial to cathedral window projects and love your choice of colours... Oh and when threading the needle or re threading the machine, ALWAYS turn it off, that way even if your foot is on the pedal nothing with happen. If you change the foot on the machine, turn it off, if you change the bobbin, turn it off! Safety first, it only takes a moment to turn off and on...

  4. Hahaha, I totally pass out when I cut my hand too.

  5. Tension is such a pain - hope it all works out. I always put in a new needle, fresh bobbin and rethread the top. I'm still nursing a battle scar from a rotary mishap six months ago so I feel for you!
