Wednesday 29 July 2015

Pyjama shorts

These pyjama shorts whipped up in about 2 hours, once I had found the pattern! I have made them several times before, so I guess that helps. And they are forgiving too, when fudging the measurements!

I changed a couple things because I was running short on the ball fabric. So I added the waistband in orange. I also added cuffs as when I put them on the boy, they were plenty big enough but given he seems to be on a growth spurt, they would be too short in now time. So this way they are a bit long now, but should (hopefully) last longer!

I finished them at 8.35pm and he was very pleased to wear them to bed!

So now, of course, I have to whip up another 2 pairs for the girls. Trouble is, I didn't find the pattern for them which is a bit annoying. I might get away with the boy pattern for the 6 year old girl but not sure the style will fit the 11 year old girl so well.

I found some white knit fabric that made some excellent vest style shirts to go with the shorts. Since plain white is not much fun, we decided to tie dye them and some other shirts we found. They turned out quite good!

The shorts were one of my goals for Q3 in the Finish Along!

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

1 comment:

  1. The shorts are great!

    *Visiting as a member of the official 2015 Finish-Along cheerleading squad*
